Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lady Gaga's Inner Suffering

It's hard growing up different. To know as a child you don't fit in with your friends and family. To know there's something off about you, not quite right. It is a difficult path to walk. Trying to be true to an inner voice that no one else can hear and that you don't fully understand. Lady Gaga, like many of us, carries this pain of being different; of being something that we don't understand and the rest of the world can't quite accept.

Lady Gaga has fame, riches, and power, but there is a part of her that is in deep pain with an inner child who is walking a different path alone, feeling unloved, and worthless. One solution is to grab as many friends (who are as broken as we are) to have around us. The more people we have telling us that we are loved and have worth the better you feel. For a short time.

Lady Gaga's difficulty with this is that the more people in the outside world who tell her that she is worth something, the less she will feel worthy inside. So often you see the famous surrounded by more and more entourage being paid to tell them that they are indeed worthy of all the fame, riches and power surrounding them.

However, the deeply lonely child filled with pain knows better. She knows deep down she is not worthy of love. She is not worthy of fame. She is just not worthy. For some the choice is to implode; to rush in to the pain,to create drug abuse and other self destructing avenues. Lindsay Lohan and Amy Winehouse are but a few examples.

Lady Gaga has a few choices. The first one is to go deep down inside. To touch. To hold. To love her inner, lonely child. To say to her that she made it. That she is safe. That it is okay to be different. To have a different path. That is okay to be afraid. That there is a big one who made it. Remember, a part of you can visualize your inner child just like Lady Gaga.

As you hold your inner child fill it with love. Fill it with what that child was missing when it was little. When it was helpless. When it was alone.

The second choice is to find your center as an adult and understand your uniqueness as a person. That you alone bring a special gift to the world and people around you that no one else can provide. That only you can touch someone else in a unique and special way. Like Lady Gaga, those of us that walk a different path or see the world in a different light, we are the trail blazers. We show the world a different path paved with our tears, suffering, and sometimes blood. We are the ends of the spectrum of what it is to be normal. We are the guideposts from which everyone else can find their way.

Lady Gaga's gift to the world is music. Take a second, take a minute, and ask yourself what are your gifts. What makes you unique and special? And when you get that answer, hold it close. Hold it in your heart. Carry it with you like a shield. Carry it with you like a beacon of light and hope. Remember, the world needs your gift.

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