Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Post Millennium and Lady Gaga Deconstruction of the Feminist Movement: Unearthing Secrets on Lady Gaga

There is no doubt to every eye of the beholder that our greatest icon in the modern times Lady Gaga in all manifestations, in song, in dance, in dress, in swaggering moves, in public utterances, there is no doubt that there is little intelligence or rather a display of a bankrupt of intelligence.

The feminist movement that reached tipping point during the 1960s and 1970s emphasized strongly the need for women to get out and get about, get educated, get into cauldron of big ideas. The message was harsh, excessive and aggressive in expression. The message was heard loud and clear. The results are all to see. In society we have women politicians, women lawyers, women artisans, women engineers, book authors, women university professors, managers and leaders.

But there has since been a cooling off, though the message is still there that women should assume these roles that were traditionally man, there is a little shift that though women should take over these roles there should not become men in outlook, that they should occupy these roles with who they are € that is with their feminity, natural softness and gentleness. That though women are bosses they should not be bossy.

Enter Lady Gaga definitely in 2010 to current € post modern era, post millennium, a new dispensation. Lady Gaga' message seems to deconstruct, break, and dismantle the whole development of feminism € feminism with its liberation idea of women occupying roles like men in society.

Lady Gaga's deconstruction message is that:

Women are not the creatures of intellect, big abstract ideas of philosophy pursuing careers in law, politics, academy - all these is for women without heart. A woman is a creature of feeling not thought. A woman is her body. A woman is a creature of passion, not reason. This is how woman should be in order to rule men according to Lady Gaga.

With that message thundered loud and clear to every eye that beholds correctly and impartially, Lady Gaga considers man too. Lady Gaga in song, in dance, in moves, in dress considers men to have committed the greatest crime against women to such an extent that women don't want to be themselves anymore [as creatures of feelings not thought, as creatures of passions not reason] and they want to have jobs and roles like that of men. Lady Gaga considers men to have committed the greatest crime against women by turning women into silly conjugal enterprise of domestication and therefore men deserves to be burnt on the conjugal bed and the burnt remains instead of buried be shot at. Refer this last statement by viewing/watching Lady Gaga's song: Bad Romance.

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